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Rev. Sonja
Rise to Queendom
March 3, 2021,
C-Scale and Muscle Testing
Reverend Doctor Sonja Isaac
What You Need to Know for the Future
URGENT What You Need to Know for 2021
How to Muscle Test
This is an artist's depiction of a constellation that took place on September 23, 2017. It seems to show a story of a woman ready to have birth prophesied in Revelation chapter 12. The theory is that following this date very bad things will take place on the Earth. There will be major changes to our economy, our way of life, and our world.
Seven years from the date of this stellar event is marked on September 23, 2024. We have already seen many events that have changed our world from the inside out, COVID and War to name a few. Was this our Tribulation? Or is the Apocalypse just around the corner? In any case, we need to be ready and aware of what the Bible says about our future.
The Bottom Line is that
Book: A Divine Revelation of Hell
by Mary K. Baxter
C-Scale = 996
How to be Saved: The Salvation Prayer
Read aloud this prayer of salvation to ask Jesus into your heart
and you will be Saved.
C-Scale of this prayer = 1,000
Dear God,
I know I haven’t always done the right thing and I’ve made mistakes in my life.
I’m sorry for those mistakes and I ask you to forgive me for everything I have done wrong.
I ask Jesus to come into my life and save me from making any more mistakes and from following the wrong path. I promise to follow Jesus Christ from now on and to allow his guidance to help me always make the loving choice.
I ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.