A Division of Stone Tablet Communications
Don't Worry
Don't Doubt
Don't Fear
God Wins TV.com
Service Disclaimer
Energy Healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. It promotes harmony and balance within the physical, mental and spiritual systems relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy Healing is a process that is to be used in conjunction with your health care professional.
A Personal Restoration Session by Stone Tablet Communications is an Energy Healing modality that corrects imbalances within the body, mind, and spirit and does not promise or assume to diagnose or cure any disease. Energy Healing balances provided by Stone Tablet Communications are offered as a service and are not a substitute for medical care and are not meant to replace any medical treatment. The information on the website or in the sessions is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. We make no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness and we make no guarantee of its soundness. Only the Holy Spirit determines the depth of your healing.
All recommendations are suggestions only and should not be considered medical advice. Reverend Doctor Sonja Isaac is a Doctor of Divinity and not a medical doctor and never prescribes pharmaceuticals. Information given on this site or in any session obtained on or from this site is not intended to create any medical physician/patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. The content and conversation in these sessions are not intended for medical advice, nor are they intended to be a substitute for the services of any healthcare professional.
After a Personal Restoration session, do not stop your medication until you have sought the advice of your health care practitioner.
By viewing or using this website or by participating in the sessions, you acknowledge that you are using this information at your own risk. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.
Affiliate Disclosure
Great News!
Rev. Sonja is now an Affiliate for iHerb! You may have heard her talk about iHerb, her favorite source of so many wonderful Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients.
Now, as an affiliate, this relationship becomes a win-win situation.
How does it work?
During a session with Rev. Sonja, the Holy Spirit may indicate that you need a certain nutrient. It can be difficult at times to go from store to store trying to find just the right substance that the Holy Spirit says is right for you. Now, as an affiliate, Rev. Sonja can give you a link that will not only direct you to the correct substance that has the perfect dosage but you will also get a discount if you purchase the product from the link.
Note: There is no obligation to purchase but it is a lovely opportunity ;-D
As a side note, Rev. Sonja also gets a reward from iHerb as a 'thank you' for bringing in customers. If you have never ordered from iHerb before you may need to open a new account. You can even change the quantity or add to your order if you find other products that you like, and if you pass a certain dollar amount in that order, you can qualify for free shipping straight to your given address.
That is truly a win-win-win situation!
Remember, however, the link only lasts for 7 days so you need to act quickly in order to reap the benefits!