WARNING: Scary content
Important point #1:
If you are concerned about Vaccination toxicities, whether COVID or otherwise, please book an appointment with me for your special COVID Clearing Session today.
Coming Soon: I am only one person and I cannot clear everyone of this terrible condition. If you are reading this and you are an Alternative Health Care Practitioner or an Energy Healer, I encourage you to get take my short course on how to clear COVID Vaccination toxicities in a few short steps. I will explain each step in detail and the reasons why we do it this way. I will also show you my findings from my first few months of the discovery. I'm sure once you get started, your findings will be similar. Subscribe to my website and you will be notified as soon as the course is ready.
Shocking COVID Vaccination Toxicity Removal Results
My name is Rev. Sonja Isaac. I am an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner Certified in the Emotion Code and the Body Code. I address all my questions to the Holy Spirit and I obtain all the answers through Applied Kinesiology or 'Muscle Testing'. I have worked at my practice for the past three years and among other things I have cleared many varieties of toxicity. For those who have been my clients, you understand that toxicities come in various different levels.
When COVID 19 came along, nobody knew much about it, but there was a strange uncertainty that accompanied it. That uncertainty was about to be confirmed. In March 2021, I encountered my first client that had received a COVID 19 vaccination. I was shocked at the amount of toxicities that we discovered in the various levels. As you can see in the first report, this discovery was made while addressing a dehydration issue. Here is the report of that case:

Male 81 years old Vaccinated:
Date: March 18, 2021
Dehydration issues are reading at a severity of 10.0 due to
8,731 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
11 Hidden Vaccination toxicities – cleared
13 Secret Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Category 3 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Dehydration issues are now reading at a severity of 5.5 due to
11 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
36,771 Hidden COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
6 Secret COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
7,531 Level 4 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
13 Level 5 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
3 Category 2 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Category 3 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Dehydration issues are now reading at a severity of 0.0
2 COVID Prion toxicities – cleared
My Comments: The first four toxicities cleared were of regular vaccination toxicities. These are from the regular vaccinations that one would receive as a child, such as measles mumps and rubella, and even the flu. I find that the number 8,731 seems excessive for regular vaccination toxicities. We don’t know much about this man’s past, as he is infirm, but he may have gotten excessive vaccination toxicities from the military or from some other line of work.
Once we had cleared the first four vaccination toxicities, I asked this question: Holy Spirit, have we cleared this client from all vaccination toxicities on every level and in every category? The answer was 'yes'. At that point, theoretically, there should’ve been no more vaccination toxicities in the client’s system. However, after the dehydration issues went down to a severity of 5.5, I was led back to vaccination toxicities. I wondered if the vaccination toxicities had anything to do with COVID.
Then I asked this question: Holy Spirit does the client have any COVID vaccination toxicities? The answer was 'yes'. The next thing to do was to go through the list again to find out how many COVID vaccination toxicities there were and at what levels. As you can see the numbers are astonishing in comparison to the regular vaccination toxicities. It’s interesting, as well, that some of the amounts of the COVID vaccination toxicities are in the single and double digits while others are in the tens of thousands. Now I understand why we have been hearing reports that people are having serious health issues after having a COVID vaccination.
Here is a second example of someone who was vaccinated from COVID:

Male age 58 Vaccinated:
This is the first session where COVID Vaccination toxicities were found in this client
Date: March 29, 2021
Vaccination toxicities are reading at a severity of 10.0 due to
11 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Hidden Vaccination toxicities – cleared
1 Secret Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 8.5 due to
38,577 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
68,755 Hidden COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
11 Secret COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
55,135 Level 4 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
6 Level 5 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
1 Category 2 COVID Vaccination toxicity – cleared
12 Category 3 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 3.5 due to
2 Secondary COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
4 Hidden Secondary COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
4 Secret Secondary COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
457 Level 4 Secondary COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Level 5 Secondary COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 0.0
My Comments: Once again you can see here in the first three toxicities cleared, the numbers are relatively small. These again are regular vaccinations that one would have as a child such as measles mumps and rubella or even the regular flu vaccine. This is typical for these kinds of vaccinations. And again when asked if we had cleared the vaccination toxicities in every level and in every category, the answer was 'yes'. Theoretically the vaccination toxicities should have gone down to severity of 0.0. However they remained at a severity of 8.5. While inquiring how to bring the number down I was again led to vaccination toxicities.
My understanding is that if we had indeed cleared all vaccination toxicities in every level and in every category that would mean that the COVID vaccinations are not a vaccine in the truest sense of the word. As you can see the numbers are once again astounding and they fluctuate from single digits to tens of thousands.
Also in this session, after clearing the COVID vaccination toxicities, the numbers did not go down to zero, but remained at 3.5 in severity. My question here is what would cause that? So I asked the Holy Spirit if the client had any 'Secondary' COVID vaccination toxicities. The answer was yes. And again we cleared every level. It was only at this point that the severity finally went down to a 0.0.
In all honesty, I do not know what the Holy Spirit meant by 'Secondary'. The session happened before the second vaccine shot was available or advised. Perhaps the vaccine that this gentleman had was a mixture of two formulas? Or perhaps these were toxicities from a different company obtained by shedding. I don't know. I'm just glad we were able to clear them.
After addressing other issues in the session, we continued by scheduling our next regular session as per routine. Here is the report of that session:

Male age 58 (same client) Vaccinated:
Date Booked: April 19, 2021 (21 days following the first session)
Second Session to clear COVID Vaccination toxicities:
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 0.0>10.0 due to
0 Vaccination toxicities
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 0.0>10.0 due to
13 COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
11 Hidden COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
48,552 Secret COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
67,691 Level 4 COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
88,752 Level 5 COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
38 Category 2 COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
3 Category 3 COVID Vaccination 2 toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 0.0 >10.0 > 2.5 due to
6 Caffeine toxicities - cleared
13 Hidden Caffeine toxicities - cleared
6 Secret Caffeine toxicities - cleared
6 Category 2 Caffeine toxicities - cleared
457 Category 3 Caffeine toxicities - cleared
2 Inherited Caffeine toxicities - cleared
6 Past Life Caffeine toxicities - cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 0.0>10.0 > 2.5 > 0.0
My Comments: This session began as an email session, as the client was late for his appointment and I was given permission to proceed without him being on the phone. As a matter of caution, I decided to double check for COVID vaccination toxicities since this was one of my first cases. I was not surprised to find that there were no regular vaccination toxicities in the client’s system at all. However the vaccination toxicities remained at a severity of 10.0. I wondered if the client had gotten their second shot because this was beginning to be encouraged by the authorities. When I asked the Holy Spirit if the client had what I called ‘vaccination 2 toxicities’ the answer was 'yes'. So I proceeded to clear all levels while once again uncovering incredibly high numbers. Surprisingly, the vaccination toxicities still did not go down to a zero. This time, instead of being led to vaccination toxicities, I was led to caffeine toxicities. Only when I cleared all the caffeine toxicities in every level and in every category did the vaccination toxicities go down to zero.
This begs another question. Why would caffeine toxicities raise the severity of the vaccination toxicity issue? Is there caffeine in the vaccinations? Does caffeine such as drinking coffee, tea or chocolate aggravate the vaccines? Some of this baffles me! 40 minutes after I had begun the session, the client phoned in. I asked him if he had gotten his second shot. He said no, and that they told him he didn’t need to get his second shot until summer time - months away. This surprised me because clearly he had tens of thousands of COVID vaccination toxicities within his system. The client had no reason to lie to me about this, but my question was where did he get these toxicities?
Although we can locate and clear these toxicities, we don't know the nature of them or what they will do inside the body. Did the client get these COVID vaccination 2 toxicities from someone else? Or were the COVID vaccination toxicities replicating inside him? Whatever the answer is, it was pretty scary.
In the weeks following, I continued to clear COVID vaccination toxicities from anyone who came to me. The numbers were equally devastating. Then one Day in May, I had a client who had been experiencing a migraine for several days. Since we had worked on Migraines previously, we decided to call it ‘pain in the head’. Whatever this was, it put her into a 'Spiritual Prison of Disability'.
A Spiritual Prison is a situation or a mindset that you’re having trouble getting out of. In other words there is such a thing as a spiritual prison of hoarding, a spiritual prison of smoking or drug addiction, etc. This client was in a Spiritual Prison of Disability. Also, 'Level 5 Pain in the Head' is not just a regular pain in the head but a severely deep pain in the head. Here is the report of that session:

Female age 42 Unvaccinated:
Date: May 9, 2021
Level 5 Pain in the head is now reading at a severity of 5.5 due to
Spiritual Prison of Disability due to
2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
11 Past Life Vaccination toxicities – cleared
6 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
57,521 Hidden COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Secret COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
3 Level 4 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Spiritual Prison of Disability has now been cleared
Level 5 Pain in the head is now reading at a severity of 2.5 due to …
My Comments: To bring the number down from 2.5 to 0.0 involved clearing a Trapped Emotion from one of her Ureters. The interesting thing here is that this client was unvaccinated against COVID 19, and yet she displayed the toxicities as if she had been vaccinated. This is also the first time I noticed that the reproductive system had been compromised following a COVID Vaccination toxicity infection.
This makes me wonder if the theory about the ‘shedding’ is true. The theory states that in the case of COVID, the vaccinations are so toxic that once received, the body will try to reject them in any way it can. They will come out through the urine and the stools; they will come out through the perspiration; they will come out through the tears and the mucus of the sinuses. They will even come out through sexual contact. And if an unvaccinated person is hanging around a person who is vaccinated, then they can receive vaccination toxicities from the vaccinated person. Again, this is a theory.
Here is a case where the COVID vaccination toxicities were uncovered while examining an issue in the reproductive system. It is important to note here that in my research to date, everyone who has received COVID vaccination toxicities whether by direct vaccination or through the shedding has developed issues with their reproductive system - EVERYONE. Here is the report of that session:

Female age 59 Vaccinated:
Date: May 21, 2021
Broken Womb (Reproductive Disconnection) involving the Vagina and the Right Fallopian Tube with a 55% connection level due to
2 Prion toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are reading at a severity of 10.0 due to
2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Hidden Vaccination toxicities – cleared
4 Category 3 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 6.5 due to
77,551 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
652 Hidden COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
6 Secret COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
85,573 Level 4 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
855 Level 5 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
66,572 Category 2 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
13 Category 3 COVID Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 3.5 due to
69,513 COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
2 Hidden COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
66,515 Secret COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
13 Level 4 COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
18 Level 5 COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
6 Category 2 COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
56,752 Category 3 COVID 2 Vaccination toxicities – cleared
Vaccination toxicities are now reading at a severity of 0.0
Reconnection beginning at 55% > 100% Connected
Vagina is now happy and working at 100%
Right Fallopian Tube is now happy and working at 100%
My Comments: The numbers alone in my study tell me these COVID vaccination toxicities are dangerous. It will not be long before we will not be able to avoid coming in contact with a vaccinated person as there are millions in our country that are now vaccinated from the COVID 19 virus. The goal of those in charge is to vaccinate every person on Earth. But there are now doctors and businesses who are no longer allowing those COVID 19 vaccinated people in their offices because of the shedding. I don’t believe I’m exaggerating when I say that these COVID 19 vaccinations have the potential to destroy all life on earth. These toxicities cry 'infertility' from all angles and it goes without saying that if we cannot reproduce, we cannot survive as a species. The bottom line is that we need to clear them from the human race.

Regardless of what we see happening in the World around us, remember, God Almighty still sits on the throne. He loves you and he will never leave you or forsake you. Don't worry, don't doubt, don't fear, and don't be distracted, because when God and the devil get into a fight, who wins?
That's Right,
Once Again --
Important point #1:
If you are concerned about Vaccination toxicities, whether COVID or otherwise, please book an appointment with me for your special COVID Clearing Session today.
Coming Soon: I am only one person and I cannot clear everyone of this terrible condition. If you are reading this and you are an Alternative Health Care Practitioner or an Energy Healer, I encourage you to get take my short course on how to clear COVID Vaccination toxicities in a few short steps. I will explain each step in detail and the reasons why we do it this way. I will also show you my findings from my first few months of the discovery. I'm sure once you get started, your findings will be similar. Subscribe to my website and you will be notified as soon as the course is ready.