A Division of Stone Tablet Communications

Don't Worry
Don't Doubt
Don't Fear
God Wins TV.com

Welcome to God Wins TV
* Don't Worry * Don't Doubt * Don't Fear *

We Teach You
How to be
Super Effective
in the
Spirit Realm
The Holy Spirit Code Course
Learn Spiritual Warfare to the Max

The Holy Spirit Code Course is the most comprehensive and effective
Spiritual Warfare Course in the world today.
Each lesson has been developed by asking the Holy Spirit the truth about the problems in the Spirit Realm and what to do about them.
This allows you to become a World Changer in the privacy of your own home!
The wait is finally over.
It's available NOW!!
About Us
God Wins TV is a Bible-based non-denominational online resource for prayer, health, and healing. We are a vibrant team dedicated to serving the Millennial Christian and the spiritual and educational needs of the world around us.
We are here:
"For the perfecting of the saints,
For the work of the ministry,
For the edifying of the body of Christ:
'Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
And of the knowledge of the Son of God"
Ephesians 4:12, 13.
In other words, we are here to equip the saints with the armor and tools they will need for their challenging lives by learning new and exciting prayer strategies.
Our leader, Rev. Dr. Sonja Isaac D.PSc (Ret.) is a
Certified EMOTION CODE, BODY CODE, and BELIEF CODE practitioner and the creator of THE HOLY SPIRIT CODE.
We are able to teach Personal Restoration Services
under the umbrella of STONE TABLET COMMUNICATIONS.
Our YouTube channel, GodWinsTV is a division of Stone Tablet Communications the publisher of the modern spiritual experience for the Millennial Christian with techniques based on science, the Word of God, and the example of the Messiah Jesus Christ.
- The Heavenly Father is our Source
- The Messiah Jesus is our Example
- The Holy Spirit is our Guide, and
- The Holy Bible is our Textbook
Therefore, our house of prayer is your house of liberty!
Don't worry * Don't doubt * Don't fear.
Because when God and the devil get into a fight,
who wins? That's right...

Personal Restoration is a service provided by Stone Tablet Communications based on The EMOTION CODE, the BODY CODE, and the BELIEF CODE. These are techniques developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson as well as techniques developed by Rev. Dr. Sonja Isaac in the HOLY SPIRIT CODE.
If you suffer from any challenge, whether Physical, Emotional, Mental, or Spiritual, you, your loved ones, and even your pets can be enriched by Personal Restoration. This is not a therapy session where you are required to 'bear all' to the practitioner. Rather it is a healing session that is Biblically based, Holy Spirit-led, scientifically sound, and spiritually reassuring. It is designed to bring your body, mind, and spirit back to the condition that God intended for it. Sessions are conducted by phone, or by email so whether you are in Canada or halfway around the world, we were available to help you.
Watch for coming announcements to learn more about
how to become a Personal Restoration Practitioner.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Don't worry * Don't doubt * Don't fear.
Because when God and the devil get into a fight,
who wins? That's right...
Thank you Rev. Sonja and to the Holy Spirit for the amazing session. I noticed after my session I felt calm and peaceful. Also about 20 years ago I had sprained both of my ankles and they always bothered me they were really sore this week I could hardly walk and when I got up from my chair after the session. There was no pain it was completely gone. Thank you Rev. Sonja and to the Holy Spirit for this Healing
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Easy Cancer Solutions That Work


Speaking in Tongues Lesson 4

Jesus Was In My Room Last Night
My Spiritual Struggle with Chronic Illness
Jesus was in my room last night.
I mean 'Jesus,' the Christ,
the Son of the Living God,
the guy who died on the cross for the sins of the entire planet, past, present and future,
the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Prince of Peace -
that Jesus was in my room.
He was more real than the floor under your feet,
or that chair you're sitting on.
If I were to talk to you about invisible people
and nasty little gremlins,
perhaps you would think you were reading a strange fiction novel, but every word of this is absolutely true.
If you think I'm nuts,
you might as well put this book down right now,
because at times,
I thought I had 'lost it' completely, too ...